The Center of Drug and Health studies conducts a variety of surveys to help identify some of the key issue facing Delaware youth. The surveys ask a wide range of questions about drug and alcohol use, tobacco use, bullying, sexual activity, diet and exercise, grades, and family and community environment. (To view the schedule of school-based surveys administered by CDHS, click here.)
Currently, the center conducts the following surveys:
College Risk Behaviors Study (CRBS) is an annual survey administered in collaboration with Student Wellness & Health Promotion during the Spring semester to a random sample of full-time University of Delaware undergraduates that asks students about drinking, drug use, sexual behavior, and other risky behaviors.
Delaware School Survey (DSS) is an annual survey of 5th, 8th, and 11th grade public school students in Delaware. The survey is used to estimate students attitudes and experiences with tobacco, drugs, alcohol, bullying, depression, and a variety of issues facing Delaware’s youth.
Delaware Youth Risk Behavior Surveys (YRBS) measures behaviors regarding unintentional injuries, violence, tobacco use, alcohol and other drug use, sexual risk behaviors, diet and exercise, and other health and risk concerns.
The Youth Tobacco Survey (YTS) provides data for planning, implementation, and evaluation of effective programs to prevent and reduce tobacco use in Delaware. The survey is administered anonymously to a random sample of students from grades 6-12 in all school districts.
The School Health Profiles Survey (SHP) is a two-part survey of principals and lead health educators regarding existing school health policies and professional development needs.