
SEOW Meetings and Presentations Recordings

Click here to view recent recordings of the SEOW Meetings and Presentations.

Recent Presentations

Presentation. The Delaware State Epidemiological Outcomes Workgroup (SEOW) Summer Meeting, September 19th, 2024. SEOW facilitators at the University of Delaware Center for Drug and Health Studies convened its second semi-annual network meeting virtually. The theme of the meeting focused on recovery in observance of National Recovery Month. It opened with an overview of SEOW goals, recent activities, and highlights of new SEOW products including the SEOW Roundup, an e-newsletter, and 6 updated infographics. The team also presented an overview of SAMHSA’s guiding principles of recovery as well as national data. Michael Webster, MS, Chief Advancement Officer of Limen Recovery + Wellness, and graduate student Olivia Tennant presented on the organization’s mission and strategies, highlighting their ongoing use of data for continuous program improvement. Researcher Dr. Josh Stout also joined the presentation. Using data analysis, the Limen staff identify potential periods of increased vulnerability for clients and target interventions and supports accordingly. The meeting also included a group discussion on the presentation, recovery efforts, and a network sharing of research, resources, and activities including Recovery Month events.

A recording of the meeting is available online here

SEOW Meeting Slides can be found here

Links for Resources Highlighted in the September 19th, 2024 Meeting

Delaware SEOW September 19th, 2024 Meeting Minutes

Presentation. The Delaware State Epidemiological Outcomes Workgroup (SEOW) Winter Meeting, February 13th, 2024. SEOW facilitators at the Center for Drug and Health Studies convened the winter 2024 semi-annual network meeting virtually. It opened with an overview of SEOW goals, recent activities, and highlights of new SEOW products including the annual SEOW infographic, the 2023 Delaware Epidemiological Profile resources and 3D webinar recording, and the upcoming brief report on cannabis. Dr. James Ellison, a geriatric psychiatrist, professor, and director of Jefferson Health’s Comprehensive Alzheimer’s Center at the Vicki and Jack Farber Institute provided a comprehensive overview of behavioral health issues among older adults. The meeting concluded with a discussion of the topic and network member updates.

A recording is available online here

A “4-D” View of Delaware’s Geriatric Behavioral Health Issues: Dementia, Depression, Drugs, and Diversity, by James M. Ellison, MD, MPH

Links for Resources Highlighted in the SEOW February 13th, 2024 Meeting

Delaware SEOW February 13th, 2024 Meeting Minutes

Presentation. 3D: Delaware Data Discourse. Behavioral Health Data Highlights from the 2023 Delaware Epidemiological Profile, January 9th, 2024. M. J. Scales and Sharon Merriman-Nai highlighted select findings from the 2023 Delaware “Epi Profile” an annual compilation of data on behavioral health and related indicators. The profile is a useful tool for monitoring trends related to substance use, mental health and wellness, adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), and protective factors, as well as disproportionate risk experienced by various groups of Delawareans. It is also valuable for proposal development, program planning, and evaluation. A recording of this presentation is available online.

Presentation. The Delaware State Epidemiological Outcomes Workgroup (SEOW) Summer Meeting, August 22nd, 2023. SEOW facilitators at the Center for Drug and Health Studies convened the summer 2023 semi-annual network meeting at the Rte. 9 Library in New Castle, Delaware. It opened with an overview of SEOW goals and recent activities. The team highlighted newly available SEOW products including the updated Venn diagram of youth substance use, an infographic on maternal and child behavioral health, and a brief report on behavioral health and intellectual and developmental disabilities. Dionne Cornish, Director of Prevention and Early Intervention at the Brandywine Counseling and Community Center, received the Data Champion Award for her long standing commitment to data driven advocacy and policy. There were two featured presentations highlighting new behavioral health initiatives: 988 in Delaware, by Dr. Claire Wang, DSAMH; and The Delaware Police Diversion Program, by Tom Beardsley, DHSS and Dr. Nuno Martins, DSAMH.

A recording of the featured presentations is available online.

Links for Resources Highlighted during the SEOW August 2023 Meeting

Delaware SEOW August 22nd, 2023 Meeting Minutes

PresentationThe Delaware State Epidemiological Outcomes Workgroup (SEOW) Winter Meeting, January 31st, 2023. SEOW facilitators at the Center for Drug and Health Studies convened the winter 2023 semi-annual network meeting virtually. It opened with an overview of SEOW goals and recent activities, newly available infographics and data products, and a presentation of the Data Champion Award to KIDS COUNT in Delaware which was accepted by the director, Janice Barlow. M.J. Scales announced that the SEOW Stakeholder Feedback Survey would launch soon and encouraged network members to participate to inform the development of future SEOW efforts. Rachel Ryding of the SEOW facilitator team presented Highlights from the Field featuring findings from the 2021 NSDUH Report, the CADCA Practical Theorist special issue on Fentanyl, the Mental Health America dashboard (state and county data), and the Trevor Project 2022 National Survey on LGBTQ Youth Mental Health (state level data). Guest speaker, Dr. Kevin Osterhoudt, highlighted trends and presented recent Delaware data from the Poison Control Center at CHOP, Philadelphia College of Pharmacy & Medicine. The meeting concluded with network members sharing updates and resources.

A recording of the meeting is available online.
Links for Resources Highlighted during the SEOW January 2023 Meeting
Delaware SEOW January 31st, 2023 Meeting Minutes

Presentation3D: Delaware Data Discourse. Behavioral Health Data Highlights from the 2022 Delaware Epidemiological Profile, December 14th, 2022. Rachel Ryding and Sharon Merriman-Nai highlighted select findings from the 2022 “Epi Profile,” an annual compilation of data on behavioral health and related indicators. The profile is a useful tool for monitoring trends related to substance use, mental health and wellness, adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), and protective factors, as well as disproportionate risk experienced by various groups of Delawareans. The report is also valuable for proposal development, program planning, and evaluation.

A recording of the presentation is available online.
Links for resources highlighted during the 3D Webinar on December 14th, 2022.

PresentationThe Delaware State Epidemiological Outcomes Workgroup (SEOW) Summer Meeting, July 27th, 2022. SEOW facilitators at the Center for Drug and Health Studies convened the virtual summer 2022 semi-annual network meeting which featured the theme of overdoses and community solutions. Tim Hulings of the CDC Foundation – Overdose Response System and Sgt. Christopher Sutton of the Delaware State Police and the Delaware Information Analysis Center (DIAC) provided an overview of the Delaware Drug Monitoring Initiative (DMI; report available upon request). This was followed by Mesha Anderson-Thompson and Aliyah Bass who highlighted the Network Connect Community Well-being Ambassadors program that promotes positive behavioral health at the community level. Peggy Geissler reported on the Sussex County Health Coalition (SCHC) Delaware Goes Purple campaign and other efforts to prevent and reduce overdoses in southern Delaware. The meeting also included a welcome and introductions of new members, updates from participants, and a recognition of Dr. Teri Lawler of the Delaware Department of Education as the latest SEOW Data Champion.

A recording of the meeting is available online.
Links for Resources Highlighted during the SEOW July 2022 Meeting
Delaware SEOW July 27th, 2022 Meeting Minutes

Presentation3D: Delaware Data Discourse. Behavioral Health Data Highlights from the 2021 Delaware Epidemiological Profile, April 26th, 2022.Sharon Merriman-Nai and Rachel Ryding featured select findings from the 2021 “Epi Profile,” an annual compilation of data on behavioral health and related indicators. The profile is a useful tool for monitoring trends related to substance use, mental health and wellness, adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), and protective factors, as well as disproportionate risk experienced by various groups of Delawareans. The report is also valuable for proposal development, program planning, and evaluation.

A recording of this presentation is available online.
Links for Resources Highlighted During the 3D Webinar on April 26th, 2022

PresentationThe Delaware State Epidemiological Outcomes Workgroup (SEOW) Winter Meeting, January 26th, 2022. SEOW facilitators at the Center for Drug and Health Studies convened the first 2022 semi-annual network meeting virtually. The theme of the meeting focused on violence prevalence and prevention efforts. SEOW facilitators shared national, state, and local data on the topic. M.J. Scales provided an overview of national violence data including cause of death statistics and sexual violence prevalence. Jim Highberger then highlighted statewide data from the Delaware School Survey (DSS) relevant to youth and their exposure to violence. The discussion concluded with an overview of wellness indicators using the Cantril ladders, data also collected on the DSS. Darryl Chambers, a member of the SEOW facilitator team who is also a community leader in  violence prevention, presented An Examination of Wilmington Shooting Data. He shared data on shooting incidents in Wilmington using the lens of structural inequities, identifying hot spot zones throughout the city. A mapping of shooting incidents revealed that the highest concentrations were associated geographically with areas of high needs in housing, employment, and other social determinants of health. Several prevention and harm reduction models were described along with the new Community Violence Prevention Initiative. The meeting also included a welcome and introductions of new members, updates from participants, and a recognition of the Latin American Community Center as our latest Data Champion. New SEOW products were highlighted including the Delaware Youth and Violence infographic as well as the 2021 Delaware Epidemiological Profile.

A recording of the meeting is available online.
Links for Resources Highlighted during the SEOW January 2022 Meeting.
Delaware SEOW January 26th, 2022 Meeting Minutes

Presentation3D Delaware Data Discourse: A Discussion on Youth Mental Health, December 2nd, 2021. The SEOW recently convened a panel of experts throughout the state to discuss mental health among Delaware youth. Facilitated by Meisje Scales and Dana Holz of the SEOW, the conversation highlighted trends that have been observed throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Featured guests included Barbara Messick (Executive Director of Champions for Children’s Mental Health), Sonia Songui (Licensed Professional Counselor, Capital School District), and Christina Cammarata (Psychologist, Nemours Children’s Health).

A recording of this webinar as available online.

PresentationUMatter2DE: Data Presentation, November 16th, 2021. Meisje Scales and Rachel Ryding of the State Epidemiological Outcomes Workgroup (SEOW) facilitator team presented on mental health and suicide data at the UMatter2DE Conference held on the campus of Delaware State University. The conference is an annual initiative of the Higher Education Subcommittee of the Delaware Suicide Prevention Coalition and focuses on behavioral health needs of college age students.

The presentation highlighted trends on suicidal behavior and mental health needs including early observations since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.

PresentationThe Delaware State Epidemiological Outcomes Workgroup (SEOW) Summer Meeting, July 29th, 2021. SEOW facilitators at the Centers for Drug and Health Studies virtually convened the second 2021 semi-annual network meeting. Guest speakers included: Khaleel Hussaini (Maternal and Child Health Epidemiologist from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Assignee to the Delaware Division of Public Health) and Cheryl Ackerman (Scientist, Center for Drug and Health Studies). Dr. Hussaini presented Adverse Childhood Experiences in Delaware, 2019, which included an overview of the public health and lifelong implications of ACEs and featured newly available data among adults from the 2019 Delaware Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. Dr. Ackerman and Rachael Schilling (graduate research assistant) provided an update on the Rape Prevention and Education – Building Evaluation Capacity Project. This is a special initiative of the RPE program that establishes an evaluation framework based on the CDC’s socio-ecological model addressing shared risk and protective factors. The presenters reported the findings of the pilot phase of data collection for the project which was conducted during the past year. The SEOW meeting also included a welcome to new network members, a review of recently developed SEOW products and articles appearing in the Delaware Journal of Public Health, and recognition of the Delaware Council on Gambling Problems as Data Champions.

A recording of the meeting is available online.
Links for Resources Highlighted during the SEOW July 2021 meeting.

Presentation3D Delaware Data Discourse: SEOW What? Finding and Using Data to Support Behavioral Health Programs in Delaware, June 29th, 2021. Sharon Merriman-Nai, Rachel Ryding, and Dana Holz of the State Epidemiological Outcomes Workgroup (SEOW) facilitator team discussed the mission of the SEOW and the services and resources it can provide. The team also highlighted relevant national and Delaware-specific data sources to support needs assessments, grant applications, program planning, and evaluation of behavioral health initiatives. The presentation also included an online demonstration of two comprehensive resources: KIDS COUNT in Delaware, and the Division of Public Health’s My Healthy Community data portal.

A recording of the webinar is available online.
Links for Resources Highlighted During the 3D Webinar on June 29th, 2021.

PresentationsThe Delaware State Epidemiological Outcomes Workgroup (SEOW) Winter Meeting, January 28th, 2021. SEOW facilitators at the Centers for Drug and Health Studies virtually convened the first 2021 semi-annual network meeting. Guest speakers included: Khaleel Hussaini (Maternal Child and Health Epidemiologist, Delaware Division of Public Health) and Nuno Martins (BHA I, Research and Evaluation, Delaware Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health). Dr. Hussaini discussed the most recently available Delaware data on adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) from the National Survey of Children’s Health (2016-2019). Dr. Martins provided an overview of a new DSAHM initiative, Mapping Naloxone Distribution in Delaware, which will use GIS technology to optimize distribution and access of naloxone. SEOW facilitator team presentations included: Laura Rapp highlighted SEOW goals and accomplishments from the annual report, and recognized two network members as Data Champions, Gloria James and William Lynch; Dana Holz and Rachel Ryding  presented The National Behavioral Health Landscape – Latest Trends and Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic; MJ Scales previewed data and resources from an upcoming SEOW report, Protective Factors, Positive Childhood Experiences, and Resilience; and Sharon Merriman-Nai reviewed the findings of the 2020 SEOW Stakeholder Satisfaction Survey. 

A recording of the meeting is available online. (Individual presentations are time-stamped in the recording description.)
Links for Resources Highlighted during SEOW January 2021 Meeting

Presentation series to the Sussex County Health Coalition. The State Epidemiological Outcomes Workgroup (SEOW) facilitators shared information on the mission of the SEOW and the products and support it provides to stakeholders, including community members and organizations. The following presentations highlighted data relevant to various aspects of health:

Substance Use in Delaware, January 21st, 2021. Dana Holz and Rachel Ryding

Youth Behavioral Health Data Overview, November 20th, 2020. MJ Scales.

Youth Health Data Overview, November 18th, 2020. MJ Scales.

Presentation3D: Delaware DataDiscourse. Behavioral Health Data Highlights from the 2020 Delaware Epidemiological Profile, December 17th, 2020. Sharon Merriman-Nai and Rachel Ryding featured select findings from the 2020 “Epi,” an annual compilation of data on behavioral health and related indicators. The profile is a useful tool for monitoring trends related to substance use, mental health, adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), and protective factors, as well as disproportionate risk experienced by various groups of Delawareans. The report is also valuable for proposal development, program planning, and evaluation. 

A recording of this webinar is available online.

Presentation and Panel Discussion. KIDS COUNT in Delaware Timeline Tuesday Data Snapshot: Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). Sharon Merriman-Nai presented a data overview regarding the rate of childhood adversities experienced in Delaware as part of a KIDS COUNT discussion series sponsored by Highmark Delaware. Community Perspective Panelists included Annie Slease (NAMI Delaware), LaWanda Burgoyne (Capital School District), and Kier Berkel (licensed psychotherapist). A recording of this webinar is available online.

PresentationsThe Delaware State Epidemiological Outcomes Work Group (SEOW) Summer 2020 Meeting. On July 28th, 2020 the SEOW facilitators at the Center for Drug and Health Studies convened the second 2020 semi-annual SEOW meeting. The theme was Protective Factors, Positive Child Experiences (PCEs), and Resiliency and included presentations by SEOW team members: Rochelle Brittingham, who updated the network on the status of school-based surveys during the COVID-19 pandemic; Laura Rapp, who shared the first year of data on the Well-being Index which was included in the Delaware School Survey; and MJ Scales, who discussed PCEs and key data points relevant to Delaware youth. The featured guest speaker was Teri Lawler (Delaware Department of Education Associate for Trauma-Informed Practices and Social and Emotional Learning) who highlighted DDOE school-based initiatives underway in her presentation: Creating a Statewide Culture of Care: Bridging Hope and Opportunity with Positive Childhood Experiences. A recording of the meeting is available online. (Please note: There is approximately an 11-minute silence in the recording at about the 34-minute mark, when participants briefly met in breakout rooms. The audio resumes at the 45:30 mark.)

Additional meeting materials include:

Links for Resources Highlighted during the SEOW July 2020 Meeting

Promoting Resilience: Self Care Resources for Professionals

PresentationUsing Data as a Roadmap to Data Driven Decision Making. On July 15, 2020, M. J. Scales and Brandie Pugh facilitated a workshop on data driven decision making that included data resources, tools, and application. This presentation was aligned with the SEOW goal “to train agencies and communities in understanding, using, and presenting data effectively”.

PresentationDelaware State Epidemiological Outcomes Work Group (SEOW) Winter 2020 Meeting. On January 8th, 2020, the Winter 2020 SEOW meeting was held by The Center for Drug and Health Studies (CDHS). Members of the SEOW team highlighted the latest features of the 2019 state epidemiological profile. Laura Rapp provided a recap of the recent year activity report and shared the Annual SEOW Report Infographic.  The 2019 Delaware state epidemiological profile used 25 data sources to evaluate substance use, and it has achieved 8,000 views/usage of data products. The SEOW team will continue to evaluate data needs through collaboration to enhance data products. 

PresentationBehavioral Health Disparities among People with Disabilities. Eileen Sparling, Dana Holz, and Rachel Ryding of Center for Drug and Health Studies presented highlights of a recently produced SEOW gap report on the behavioral health disparities experienced by persons with disabilities.

PresentationThe Delaware Rape Prevention and Education Program (RPE): Building Evaluation Capacity. Brandie Pugh and Rachael Schilling reported on a project with the State’s Division of Public Health Office of Women’s Health to develop a data dashboard and series of measures to assess ongoing, statewide progress to reducing risk for sexual violence. The goal is to evaluate impact at the societal and community levels for shared risk and protective factors.

PresentationBuilding a Continuum of Behavioral Health Support in Delaware High Schools. Presented on January, 7, 2020. Laura Rapp shared her research on risks and assets of Delaware youth and how to build a continuum of behavioral health support for high school students.

PresentationDelaware’s National Violent Death Reporting System (NVDRS) Data, and My Healthy Community. Presented on June 3, 2019. This discussion at the Spring 2019 SEOW meeting featured Amanda Bundek, an epidemiologist with the Division of Public Health, who highlighted suicide and other data collected through the NVDRS. Ms. Bundek also demonstrated the Division’s new My Healthy Community website, an interactive dashboard that allows visitors to search on local, county, and statewide health indicators.

PresentationA Snapshot of Risk Behaviors and Protective Factors among Delaware Youth. Presented to the Delaware State Legislature’s Kids Caucus. Sharon Merriman-Nai shared Delaware Youth Risk Behavior Survey data on substance use, mental health, ACES, and students at disproportionate risk for these issues, as well as protective factors. James Highberger demonstrated the latest heat maps produced by the SEOW, which allow for visual, year-to-year comparisons of substance use among Delaware teens.

PresentationA Look at Delaware Data on Youth Risk Behaviors Presented on January 31st, 2019. This presentation, shared at the 2019 LIFE Conference in Dover, Delaware, illustrated the disparities experienced by youth with disabilities. Data on substance use, mental health, and protective factors from the 2017 Youth Risk Behavior Surveys (YRBS) were featured for both middle and high school students.

PresentationLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Questioning (LGBQ) Youth in Delaware: Data from the 2017 Youth Risk Behavior Survey Presented on On January 15th, 2017. Youth Risk Behavior Survey data on the behavioral health risk disparities of Delaware LGBQ youth were shared with the Nemours Pride Association Resource Group.

PresentationMental Health and Substance Use Data from the 2017 Youth Risk Behavior Survey. Presented to the Delaware Suicide Prevention Coalition on August 20, 2018. Project SAFETY team members Sharon Merriman-Nai (Center for Drug and Health Studies) and Chris Love (Delaware Department of Services for Children, Youth and their Families) reported on the national and Delaware rates of depression and suicide among youth. The Delaware data highlights depression, self-harm, and suicidal thoughts and behaviors reported by high school respondents to the 2017 Youth Risk Behavior Survey. The presentation also considers the association between substance use and mental health concerns, and the increased risk of mental health concerns among students who have experienced adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). National and Delaware comparisons are included.

PresentationTrauma Informed – Why Does it Matter? Presented on August 7th, 2018. Members of Trauma Matters Delaware (Nancy McGee, Sexual Assault Network  of Delaware; Sharon Merriman-Nai, Center for Drug and Health Studies at the University of Delaware; Marilyn Siebold, Wilmington University; Aileen Fink, Delaware Department of Correction) provided an overview of trauma and adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), toxic stress, the components of trauma informed care (TIC), and how to implement elements of TIC in one’s environment. The data presentation highlights the prevalence of ACEs among Delawareans, drawing upon the Delaware Household Health Survey (2015), the National Survey of Children’s Health (2016), the Delaware Youth Risk Behavior Survey (2017), and data collected on substance exposed infants (SEI) by the Delaware Office of the Child Advocate for the past several years.

PresentationDisability, Substance Use and Mental Health of Delaware High School Students. Presented at the the Delaware School Survey Advisory Meeting on  June 22, 2018. James Highberger from Center for Drug and Health Studies highlights the findings on mental health and substance use among Students with Disabilities from 2017 Delaware Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS).

PresentationHorton Presentation.pdf. Presented at the the SEOW meeting on November 16, 2017. Dr. Terry Horton, Chief of the Division of Addiction Medicine, Medical Director of Project Engage, and Value Institute Scholar at Christiana Care Health Services, discusses ongoing strategies to address substance use among hospitalized patients.

PresentationDE_SEOW webinar_FINAL FOR PRESENTATION.pdf. Presented at the the SEOW webinar “SEOW What? The Role of Delaware’s SEOW in Supporting Community-level Prevention Planning” on June 14, 2017.  Key objectives include: 1. discussing the purpose of the Delaware State Epidemiological Outcomes Workgroup (SEOW); 2. describing resources the SEOW can provide to support community level substance use and misuse prevention efforts; and 3. identifying available Delaware-specific data sources that can be used to strengthen local prevention planning and evaluation efforts. A link to the recording of the webinar:

PresentationKIDS COUNT in Delaware: Highlights of the 2017 Fact Book. Presented at the SEOW meeting on June 5, 2017, this is an overview of the major indicators relating to the wellbeing of Delaware children, youth, and their families, including information on adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), other risk factors, and risk behaviors.

PresentationNemours Highlights of Dissemination Strategies and Children’s Health Survey. Presented at the SEOW meeting on June 5, 2017, this provided information on lessons learned regarding effective strategies for sharing data.

PresentationThe Dangers of Youth Gambling. Presented at the SEOW meeting on June 5, 2017, this highlights the association between youth gambling and substance use in Delaware.

PresentationData in Action: What’s New in the 2017 Delaware State Epidemiological Report. At the June 5, 2017 meeting, members of the SEOW facilitator’s team highlighted the latest features of the 2017 state epidemiological profile.

Presentation for the State of Delaware Legislature Kids Caucus May 16, 2017. For Better or For Worse: Delaware Youth Data on Adverse and Protective Childhood Experiences and their Association with Substance Use, Mental Health, and Sexual Risk Behaviors: Kids Caucus May 16 2017-CDHS ACES and Protective Data.pptx

Presentation. December SEOW Meeting on the Delaware Household Health Survey findings on Adverse Childhood Experiences and Behavioral Health. UPDATED 5_17_17-Adverse Childhood Experiences and Behavioral Health_SEOW Presentation_12 2016.pdf

Presentation Trauma and Substance Use among Delaware Youth_SEOW Presentation_ 12 16 2016.pptx

Presentation. The December 2016 SEOW Meeting of data from the YRBS on Trauma and Substance Use among Delaware Youth for the SPF Prevention Summit on Youth at Disproportionate Risk for Substance Use. CDHS_SPF Prevention Summit 9 27 2016.pptx

Presentation. Center for Drug and Health Studies Spring 2016 Symposium. Psychosocial Challenges Experienced by Delaware LGBQ Youth: Data from the 2015 Youth Risk Behavior Survey

Presentation. Center for Drug and Health Studies Fall 2015 Symposium. Assessing Delaware Physicians’ Perspectives and Knowledge of Medical Marjiuana.pptx

Presentation on the current state of substance abuse prevention in Delaware.  Substance Abuse Prevention in Delaware_June 2015.pptx

Presentation on the average makeup of a child’s classroom environment, including enrollment, substance use, personal safety, depression, exercise​, nutrition, and sexual behavior. 2015 Sophia slides.pdf


Presentation. Findings from the 2013 Delaware School Survey and the 2013 Delaware Youth Risk Behavior Survey provide the basis for this 2014 presentation on Delaware Youth Substance Use. Delaware Youth Substance Use_2014.pdf

Presentation on alcohol use among youth in Delaware by county, with additional information on Hispanics in Sussex County. Findings from the 2011 and 2013 Delaware School Surveys, 2011 and 2013 Youth Risk Behavior Surveys, and 2011 Delaware Highway Safety Statistics. Delaware Youth Alcohol Use with Focus on Hispanics in Sussex County_2014.pdf

Presentation. Delaware youth substance use, related behaviors, and consequences are included in this presentation utilizing data from the 2013 Delaware School Survey.​ Sophia Slides_2014.pdf


Presentation on suicide ideation and related risks among Delaware youth based on data from the 2011 and 2013 Youth Risk Behavior Survey. Delaware Youth Suicide Ideation and Related Risks_2013.pdf

Presentation given to the “Responding to Campus Victimization: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach” by the Delaware Drug and Alcohol Tracking Alliance (DDATA) containing data from the 2010 National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Delaware State University, UD Offices of Student Conduct, UD Police Department, among others. Sexual Violence, Intimate Partner Violence, and Stalking in Delaware_2013.pdf

Presentation given at the Delaware Prevention Advisory Council Meeting in September 2013. It describes what a State Epidemiological Outcome Workgroup (SEOW) is and what it’s mission and goals are. SEOW Definition and Initatives_2013.pdf 

Presentation. Data from the 2012 College Risk Behavior Survey provide the basis for this presentation on student tobacco use. Student Tobacco Use at the University of Delaware_2013.pdf

Presentation. PRAMS is the Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System that does not assess risk of a given pregnancy, but it monitors what is occurring in the population. This was a presentation given to Delaware’s Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Task Force. PRAMS_FASD_2013.pdf 

Presentation and analysis on teen pregnancy based on data from the 2010 Annual Reviews of Public Health, 2008 Delaware Office of Vital Statistics and Healthcare Utilization Project, and the 2008 Delaware Pregnancy Risk and Monitoring Survey Data. Teen Pregnancy-Context, Correlates, Consequences and Costs_2013.pdf 

Presentation. The University of Delaware SPF-SIG Evaluation Team and DDATA presented a two-part training on Capacity Building. Capacity Building – A Better Me, a Better We, A Better Us_2013.pdf

Presentation. Prescription drug abuse and misuse in Delaware. Multiple data sources including CDC data from 2012 were used for this presentation.  DE Prescription Drug Abuse_2013.pdf


Presentation. Data from the Delaware School Surveys, the Youth Risk Behavior Survey, and Delaware Highway Safety Statistics, provided the basis for this presentation. This review also included information on existing prevention programming in Delaware communities. Substance Abuse in Delaware with Special Focus on Hispanics_2012.pdf 

Presentation. Data from the 2011 Delaware Youth Risk Behavior Survey were used to identify the needs of Sussex County in terms of preventing youth alcohol and drug abuse. Sussex County_Needs Assessment of Alcohol and Drug Abuse_2012.pdf 

Presentation on substance use, misuse, and abuse in Sussex County based on 2012 Delaware School Survey data. Substance Use, Misuse and Abuse in Sussex County, Delaware and Resources for Prevention and Treatment_2012.pdf 

Presentation given to inform SPF-SIG contractors of the baseline data the SPF-SIG Evaluation Team collects, why it’s important, the data sources, and the National Outcome Measure (NOM). Overview of Baseline Data_2012.pdf

2011 and Older

Presentation. A breakdown of the Logic Model and “Big Picture” of SPF-SIG. Information provided on where SPF-SIG stood in 2011 and its future directions. SPF-SIG_The Logic of Planning_2011.pdf 

Presentation. CDHS partnered with the Delaware Department of Services for Children, Youth, and their Families to give this presentation at the GLS 2011 State/Tribal Grantee Meeting.  This presentation was supported in part by the Garrett Lee Smith State and Tribal Youth Suicide Prevention Grant Program. Exploring, Explaining, and Exposing Risk Factors and Suicide Ideation Using the YRBS_2011.pdf 

Presentation. CDHS developed and gave this presentation based upon information provided by the 2010 Delaware School Health Profiles. HIV among Delaware Youth – Prevention Strategic Planning Meeting_2011.pdf  

Presentation provided on prevalence of sexual risk behaviors among Delaware adolescents utilizing data from the 2009 Youth Risk Behavior Survey.  Delaware Trends in Adolescent Sexual Risk Behaviors_2011.pdf

Presentation on youth alcohol and drug use and adult arrest rates created with data from 2011 Delaware School Survey and the 2003-2008 Crime in Delaware Report provided by the Delaware Office of Management of the Budget Statistical Analysis Center. Delaware Youth Substance Abuse_2011.pdf  

Presentation. Information presented to the SPF-SIG Delaware Advisory Council. Presentation covered crime trends in Delaware communities, DUI reports, trends from the 2011 Delaware School Survey, and plans for the 2012 Delaware School Survey. Delaware State Trends – Local Crime and School Data_2011.pdf​ 

Presentation. This was a presentation by the Evaluation Team from the Center for Drug and Health Studies to the Delaware Advisory Council for the Strategic Prevention Framework State Incentive Grant in July 2011. This presentation provides information on how CDHS uses data to inform prevention priorities across the state. Using Data to Inform Delaware’s Prevention Priorities_2011.pdf 

Presentation prepared by CDHS for the Delaware Department of Education. Data sources are the 2011 Youth Risk Behavior Survey as well as a comparison between the 2009 Youth Risk Behavior Survey and National Data. High School Sexual Risk Behaviors_2011.pdf 

Presentation. The 2010 Delaware School Survey forms the basis for this presentation on the context and prevalence of bullying, with information on both perpetration and victimization. Bullying and Cyber-bullying and Delaware Youth_2011.pdf

Presentation. The Delaware Kids Caucus. Information collected from the 2010 and 2011 Delaware School Survey and 2009 -2011 Youth Risk Behavior Surveys. Growing up in Delaware- Contexts, Behaviors, and Consequences_2011.pdf 

Presentation on mortalities in Delaware due to drug overdose. Findings provided from the Delaware Health Statistics Center. Drug Overdose Mortality in Delaware_2010.pdf 

Presentation covers preliminary findings from the 2010 Delaware School Survey on Delaware 5th graders. Delaware Youth 5th Graders_2010.pdf

Presentation. Findings from the 2010 College Risk Behavior survey. This research was sponsored by the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT) of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and by the Delaware Council on Gambling Problems. Drinking and Other Risk Behaviors Among UD College Students_2010.pdf

Presentation on prevalence and negative consequences from marijuana use utilizing the 2010 Delaware School Survey. Marijuana Use Among Delaware 8th Graders_2010.pdf

Presentation. Information provided on drug threats and trends globally, with a specific focus on Delaware. Material presented included price, street terminology, and prevalence, among others.  Delaware Specific Drug Threats and Trends_2010.pdf

Presentation. Information on Delaware youth tobacco, prescription, and other drug use including alcohol collected from 1999-2009 Delaware School Surveys.  Delaware Youth Drug Trends_2009.pdf​ 

Presentation. Evidence of use and abuse, associated violence, and other consequences of prescription drug use were included and based on 2006 and 2008 Delaware School Survey data. Differentiating Youth Prescription Drug Abusers by Medical and Recreational Motives_2009.pdf

Presentation. Regularly scheduled DDATA meeting presentation. Data Sources: DataBase/DiagnosticsPlus (1989-1993); Department of Public Instruction, 1994; 1995-2009 Delaware School Survey.  Prescription Drugs and Binge Drinking Among Delaware’s Youth_2009.pdf

Presentation. Delaware high school students report on substance use and abuse and associated risk behaviors and academic achievement. Presentation utilized data from the 2009 Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS).  Risk Behaviors and Academic Achievement_2009.pdf

Presentation given to the Delaware Advisory Council of SPF-SIG and the Delaware Prevention Network Alliance. This presentation provides information on the focus of prevention and intervention activities, SPF-SIG priority substances, and the consequences associated with using these substances. Context, Consumption, and Consequences of Alcohol, Marijuana, Prescription Painkillers and Heroin_2009.pdf  

Presentation given at Delaware National Guard Readiness Center. This meeting was a collaborative event to bring people together and discuss community prevention and coalitions. Delaware Working Summit on Substance Abuse Prevention_2009.pdf

Presentation. Utilizing data from the 2007 Delaware Youth Risk Behavior Survey, this presentation provides an overview on the unique experiences of sexual minority youth in Delaware including this group’s increased levels of stress and higher rates of risk behaviors.  Sexual Minority Youth in Delaware_2009.pdf

Presentation. SPF is the Strategic Prevention Framework that is built on a community-based programming model. This presentation provides an overview of SPF-SIG from the national, state, and community levels. SPF-SIG 101.pdf